Thank you so much for downloading the Document Bundle
- Once signed up to this bundle, you will gain instant access to the documents (as listed below) in your ‘members area’.
- You will have access to this ‘members area’ for three months, all documents should be downloaded within that time. If you need to reaccess them after this time an admin fee of £10 will be incurred.
- If anything isn’t working / doesn’t make sense please email me: lauren@laurengraceconsulting.co.uk and I will rectify this as soon as possible (within 7 working days unless I am on holiday in which case it will be within 21 working days)
- Specific advice on your own circumstances is not given as part of this bundle, but you are welcome to book in for a 1-1 with me for this purpose
- Access to Microsoft Word (available for free online)
- Ideally a laptop or tablet to work on the documents.
- There is no 1-1 coaching with Lauren on this programme.
- All questions/contact will be via email (hello@perfectyourpricing.com) and FAQs will be added to the members area as they come up. Please check the FAQs before emailing,
- Payment will be made in full before any access is granted.
- A 14-day cooling off period is applicable, after this time, or if you have accessed any of the content, the payments are non-refundable.
- Do check you have access to the required technology as no refunds will be available due to a lack of this.
These documents are not legally binding and it is recommended that you have any of your own documents checked over by a solicitor.
- All materials are for your use only – if found to be in breach of this requirement by misuse of the content, legal remedy will be taken.
Documents include:
- Booking Fee Invoice
- Booking Fee Receipt
- Final Payment Invoice
- Final Payment Receipt
- Wedding Cake Order Form for client
- Wedding Cake + Favours Order Form
- Info Sheet for Venue
- Pre-consultation questionnaire
- Consultation Checklist
- Wedding Fayre Details Capture Form
- Order Process
- Honey Bee flavour menu
- Honey Bee flavour menu PDF (non editable, just an example to show you how to get it all on brand)
- Wedding Cake Ts&Cs Example and Guide
- Ts&Cs with covid policy
- Cake Cutting Guide – finger portions
+ Video talk through of how to use and apapt.